What is This?

Here goes nothing.

I'm going to write a book. I'm also starting a blog. They're going to be one and same for the time being. The purpose of this blog is to motivate me to keep writing the book. I'm going to post sections of the book as I finish them to this blog.

Each post is going to be the next little section I have done in the book. So expect to see things like Ch 1.1 or Ch 3.4 as I add more and more sections to the blog.

The pages titled Chapter 1, Chapter 2, etc are going to be continuously updated as I add stuff to those chapters. So once I move from Chapter 1 onto Chapter 2, the Chapter 1 page will contain all the posts that I plan to include in my actual Chapter 1.

Once done, hopefully I can get everything printed and bound or whatever the book industry calls it these days.

So like I said, here goes nothing.

I'm posting all this stuff unedited. Its a work in progress. So forgive any typos or whatever. Just wanted to put that out there...

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